Doctor of Chiropractor - Starting Point Chiropractic


Chiropractor | certified nutritionist
I am Michael, the founder of Startingpoint Chiropractic. I can honestly claim that, as a native of Germany, I fell in love with England, its people and the stunning nature especially here on the south coast. But much more, I like the variety of characters, languages, and civilizations.

Like many of you, I have faced a variety of health obstacles throughout my life. I have spent a lot of time and effort over the past 10 years trying to get myself out of those challenging health problems and by researching many facets of the human body, mind, and spirit, I was able to regain my health. My decision to pursue a career as a chiropractor, where I can approach and assist the human body holistically, was influenced by this.

I believe that regardless of your age and current health status, you can experience the feeling of vibrant health again where you feel the urge to be active, to run, jump, play and laugh every day. We will determine what you and your body require through a methodical and thorough assessment. This will provide me with a wealth of information so I can utilise the most effective methods and resources to assist you in achieving your objectives.

I will always listen to your body and your needs and hopefully we can get your health back so you can be active and go through life with a big smile on your face.
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